Frequently asked questions

What information do I need to provide for a natal chart?
To order you will need:
1. Date of birth (format: January 10, 1990, not 01/10/90)
2. Exact time of birth (*very important*)
3. Place of birth
4. Current location *Please double check everything! Any missing information will result in a delay*
What payment methods are accepted on the website?
We accept payment by Visa, MasterCard, American Express.
When will I receive my natal chart after payment?
After payment for your digital natal chart, you will receive it within 48 hours to the email address you provided.
What is a natal chart?
A natal chart is a diagram that reflects the positions of planets and astrological aspects at the time of your birth. It is used for personality analysis and predictions.
What information is included in a natal chart?
A natal chart includes information about your character, potentials, destiny, relationships, health, and other aspects of life.
Can I order a natal chart for someone else?

Yes, you can order a natal chart for another person by providing their birth details.

How to use a natal chart?

A natal chart can be used for self-discovery, understanding oneself and one's needs, as well as for decision-making and future planning.

Can astrology help me in life?

Astrology can be a useful tool for self-awareness, understanding life situations, and decision-making, but it does not replace personal experience and free will.